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Last Updated:
2/8/2025 6:06 PM





Pilots N Paws is a 501c(3) corporation.   General Aviation pilots volunteer to fly rescue animals from areas of the country with high euthanasia rates and overcrowding to rescues who have adoptive homes waiting.

photo Brent & Sparky

Today I had a Flower and a Bugg in my plane!  Flower slept in her crate while Bugg slept on my lap.  They are now headed for their new homes in Michigan and Indiana thanks to all the folks who gave their time to help these special animals. Thanks again for allowing me to help.  Randy Stinger

photo PIppa at airport




See Emmy's flight to her CBBCR foster home!

Emmy Lou


Christa's prepares to fly!!   Thanks, Lenny!

Christa's flight

Kurt, Mary & Beauty 



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